Wednesday, November 5, 2008



I am an Internal Combustion Engineer and i would like to give my inputs too on a Green Planet. 

Automobiles are definitely a very important part of a human being. And probably the most polluting species.

Certain things that can be done to ensure the least emissions from a vehicle.

1) Service your vehicle every 6 months at a authorised center. This will solve most problems.

2) The throttle is going to push more fuel into the cylinder, be careful of its usage.

a) Do not floor the pedal. A vehicle is going to perform best at 66% of its rated speed. Speed does not mean vehicular speed. 66% of the engine crankshaft rotational speed. This can seen on the tachometer if provided. Most vehicles have a rated speed of 5500 to 7000 rpm. It is best to drive at 4000 to 5000rpm on any gear

b) Never touch the throttle when it is not necessary. For example, at a traffic signal, make sure the automobile is in neutral and is idling. It is a common practise to rev the engine to make sure that it does not switch off. Such a thing gives out almost 300ppm more of NOx than usual. 

More to come..

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