Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Porous Pavements


Porous pavements might be well on the way to replace traditional concrete or impervious material in parking , walkways and driveways etc, where structural efficiency of the material is not of priority.


So I have listed the merits and demerits of porous pavements.


  • You can recharge ground water much better.
  • In the winter it doesn't freeze up like regular pavement does.
  • Filters the water in much the same way underlying soil in a field or forest does
  • Porous pavement tends to collect storm water better, so there is less runoff going into rivers and streams.
  • Providing better traction (no water on the surface)



  • It is more brittle than conventional asphalt, so snowplow drivers have to be careful
  • On smaller paving jobs, where extensive storm-water controls are not needed, porous pavement tends to cost about 20 to 25 percent more than standard asphalt
  • Porous pavement also only works on new projects; repaving impervious asphalt does not reap the benefits of the material's ability to absorb water.

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